#32 Guest Episode: Bernice Chan, Part 2 (粵語)
Bernice Chan is a reporter whose career has stretched across the Pacific, reporting for both the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong and CBC in Vancouver. She also hosted the award-winning podcast Eat Drink Asia. In the second part of our interview, we talk about our favorite dim sum picks, why Hongkongers love trying new flavors, and where on YouTube you can learn Cantonese cooking.
陳志媺 Bernice Chan 係一名資深記者,佢嘅事業橫跨太平洋,任職於香港嘅《南華早報》同喺溫哥華嘅加拿大廣播公司。 她仲主持過屢獲殊榮嘅 Eat Drink Asia 播客節目。 喺訪問嘅第二部分,我哋傾吓我哋鍾意食嘅點心、點解香港人鍾意嘗試新口味、同一個學習做粵菜嘅 YouTube 頻道。
Made With Lau YouTube ChannelVocabulary
- 食齋 sik6 zaai1 (VO) to eat vegetarian
- 揀 gaan2 (V) to choose/pick/select
- 燜 man1 (V) to simmer/stew
- 撈埋 lou1 maai4 (V) to blend/mix/stir
- 松子 cung4 zi2 (N) pine nut
- 蘿蔔糕 lo4 baak6 gou1 (N) radish cake
- 煎 zin1 (V) to pan fry
- 蒸 zing1 (V) to steam
- 筆記 bat1 gei3 (N) note
- 即刻 zik1 haak1 (ADV) immediately
- 馬拉糕 maa5 laai1 gou1 (N) Cantonese/Malay sponge cake
- 鹹水角 haam4 seoi2 gok3 (N) fried sticky rice dumpling
- 食飽 sik6 baau2 (VC) eat until full
- 相反 soeng1 faan2 (ADJ) opposite
- 口味 hau2 mei6 (N) flavor, taste
- 浪費 long6 fai3 (V/ADJ) to waste; wasteful
- 腸粉 coeng2 fan2 (N) rice roll
- 難咬 naan4 ngaau5 (ADJ) chewy, tough
- 山竹 saan1 zuk1 (N) mangosteen
- 雞扎 gai1 zaak3 (N) steamed chicken roll
- 棉花 min4 faa1 (N) cotton
- 腐皮 fu6 pei4 (N) beancurd skin
- 菇類 gu1 leoi6 (N) fungi, mushrooms
- 芋頭 wu6 tau2 (N) taro, ube
- 蟹柳 haai5 lau5 (N) (imitation) crab stick
- 古靈精怪 gu2 ling4 zing1 gwaai3 (EXP) bizarre, quirky, weird
- 配搭 pui3 daap3 (N/VP) pairing; to match
- 菲林 fei1 lam2 (N) film (roll)
- 芝麻 zi1 maa4 (N) sesame
- 投訴 tau4 sou3 (V/N) to complain; complaint
- 甜品 tim4 ban2 (N) dessert
- 難過 naan4 gwo3 (ADJ) sad, sorry
- 失望 sat1 mong6 (N/ADJ) disappointment; disappointed
- 潮流 ciu4 lau4 (N) trend
- 刻意 haak1 ji3 (ADV) deliberately
- 流行 lau4 hang4 (ADJ) popular
- 瘋狂 fung1 kwong4 (ADJ) crazy, wild
- 軟雪糕 jyun5 syut3 gou1 (N) soft serve ice cream
- 驚喜 ging1 hei2 (N/ADJ) surprise; surprised
- 想像 soeng2 zoeng6 (V/N) to imagine; imagination
- 產品 caan2 ban2 (N) product
- 擔心 daam1 sam1 (V/N) to worry; worry
- 群組 kwan4 zou2 (N) groups (of people)
- 讚 zaan3 (V) to praise
- 資源 zi1 jyun4 (N) resource
- 高度 gou1 dou6 (ADV) highly
- 疫情 jik6 cing4 (N) pandemic
- 大廚 daai6 cyu2 (N) chef
- 退休 teoi3 jau1 (V/N) to retire; retirement
- 玩玩吓 waan2 waan2 haa5 (V) to fool around, to do casually
- 背後 bui3 hau6 (N) back, behind
- 溝通 kau1 tung1 (V/N) to communicate; communication
- 字幕 zi6 mok6 (N) subtitles
- 報道 bou3 dou6 (V/N) to report; report
- 珍惜 zan1 sik1 (V) to cherish/treasure/value
- 值得 zik6 dak1 (ADV/ADJ) worth; worthy
- 推廣 teoi1 gwong2 (V/N) to promote; promotion
- 香脆 hoeng1 ceoi3 (ADJ) crispy, crunchy
- 記錄 gei3 luk6 (V/N) to document; record
- 流傳 lau4 cyun4 (V) to spread, to hand down
- 鋪頭 pou3 tau2 (N) shop
- 聯繫 lyun4 hai6 (V/N) to connect/contact; contact
- 難跟 naan4 gan1 (ADJ) hard to follow
- 親切 can1 cit3 (ADJ) friendly, warm
- 邀請 jiu1 cing2 (V/N) to invite; invitation
ADJ - Adjective
ADV - Adverb
EXP - Expression
N - Noun
V - Verb
VC - Verb complement
VO - Verb object
Cameron: 但係呢個問題就係,好似個 Game,因爲我覺得,大家就,應該大部份,喺香港住過嘅人,應該鍾意點心。我覺得,我唔識一個唔鍾意點心嘅人,甚至食齋1嘅人都係,有佢哋可以食嘅嘢。所以我嘅問題就係,如果你去一個地方,佢哋話你喺呢度可以飲茶,但係淨係可以揀2三種點心,噉你會揀邊三種點心呢?
(But this question, it’s sort of like a game, as I think that everyone–or at least those who have lived in Hong Kong–likes dim sum. I don’t think I know anyone who dislikes dimsum, as there are even options for vegetarians. So my question is, if you went somewhere and they said you could have dimsum but could only pick three dishes, what three items would you pick?)
Bernice: Hmm… Okay, 我第一個一定要叫蝦餃。我(由)細到而家好鍾意食蝦餃,我唔知點解,不過好鍾意食,所以一定要叫。And then 另外啲,emm,有個餐廳喺香港四季酒店 Four Seasons 嗰度,嗰個餐廳叫做龍景軒。And then 佢哋有個好似菠蘿包, and then 裏面有啲,燜3嗰啲,有啲好似叉燒嗰啲肉, and then 撈埋4啲 pine nuts 喎,pine nuts 中文我唔知係咩。。。
(Hmm, okay. The first thing that I would pick is prawn dumplings. Ever since I was little I’ve liked them. I don’t know why, I just do, so I would order those. And then another, mmmm, there’s a restaurant at the Four Seasons in Hong Kong that’s called Lung King Heen. They have something that is sort of pineapple bun but inside is simmered barbecue pirk blended with pine nuts. I don’t know how to say “pine nuts” in Chinese…)
Raymond: 松子5呀。
(Cung4 zi2.)
Bernice: 松子。
(Cung4 zi2.)
Raymond: 係。
Bernice: 松子。嘩,好正,真係好正, so 我會叫嗰個。 And then 第三個啦,唔知吖。。。哦!蘿蔔糕6。
(Pine nuts. But wow, they’re great, so great! So I would order that. And then for the third thing… Ah! Turnip cake!)
Raymond: 嗯。
Cameron: 嗯。
Bernice: 煎7或者蒸8我冇所謂,我鍾意蘿蔔糕。
(Fried or steamed, either is fine, I really like turnip cake.)
Cameron: 嗯。
Raymond: 好似 Cameron 你好似做緊筆記9呀,係咪你即刻10寫低?
(It seems like Cameron is taking notes, are you writing it down right away?
Cameron: 就係我自己諗,因爲我就上個禮拜同朋友飲茶嘅時候就諗到呢個。。。
(It’s just that I’m thinking, as I thought of this when I was getting dimsum with my friends last week …)
Bernice: 噉你食咗啲乜嘢呀?
(And what did you eat?)
Cameron: 我,哦,(食咗)呢個馬拉糕11、鹹水角12,同埋叉燒包。但係我好鍾意嗰啲有好多 carbs 嘅嘢,係,所以好容易食飽13,係呀。 Raymond 呢?
(Uh, I had this Malay sponge cake, haam4 seoi2 gok3, and chasiu buns. But I really like things with a lot of carbs, so it’s very easy to get full. What about you, Raymond?)
Bernice: Raymond 呢?
Raymond: 我就,我相反14喎,我唔係好鍾意食包。因爲呢,我覺得我嘅口味15係,因爲我嘅胃啦,我嘅嘴啦,都係唔係好大嘅,所以呢,我就食唔到好多嘢。噉呢,我又,所以我就唔想浪費16我嘅時間,同埋我食到嘅嘢呢,包呢,我覺得呀,食包好攰呀、好悶呀。我鍾意食包裡面嗰啲嘢。噉所以呢,我就多數我會鍾意食,即係唔係包類嘅點心。噉我鍾意食腸粉17啦,噉我鍾意。。。
(Me, I’m the opposite. Due to my appetite, my stomach, my mouth, none of them are very big, so I can’t eat a lot. For that reason, I don’t want to waste my time, so when I eat, I get tired of eating buns, they’re pretty boring. I like eating the filling. So when I eat, I generally go for the types of dim sum that aren’t buns. I really like rice rolls.)
Bernice: 腸粉有好多 carb 喎。
(Rice rolls have a lot of carbs.)
Raymond: 但係腸粉唔會好難咬18、好難食嘅嘛。好容易食。
(However, they’re not hard to chew or hard to eat. They go down easy.)
Bernice: 好嘅好嘅。
(Alright, alright.)
Raymond: 係啦。噉同埋我鍾意食牛,山竹19牛肉呀,好鍾意食,山竹牛肉。同埋一個就古老啲嘅點心,我唔知 Cameron 你識唔識喇,雞扎20,你知唔知係咩?雞扎。
(Yeah. I also like eating beef–I really like beef balls. There’s also an old dimsum dish that I don’t know if Cameron knows about. Do you know what gai1 zaak3 is?)
Cameron: 係咩嘢?
(What’s that?)
Bernice: 我都唔識喎。
(I don’t know either.)
Raymond: 你都唔知呀?噉呢雞扎有幾個叫法嘅,有人叫“棉花21雞”。噉其實佢係有個,外面有個腐皮22啦。
(You also don’t know? It’s got lots of names, some people call it min4 faa1 [literally, “cotton”]. It’s got tofu skin on the outside.)
Bernice: 哦~
Raymond: 佢包住呢,裏面有,佢幾樣嘢嘅,會有雞肉喺裏面啦,跟住有一舊呢,好似棉花噉樣嘅嘢,但係嗰個係,嗰啲係咩嚟㗎?嗰啲係菇類23噉樣嘅嘢嚟嘅。[其實係魚肚。]有陣時會有。。。
(It’s wrapped around a lot of stuff in the middle. There’s chicken in there, as well as some stuff that is like cotton, but what is it made of? It’s made of mushroom [actually fish maw]. There was a time when…)
Bernice: 芋頭24呀嘛。
(Also taro.)
Raymond: 係喇,有芋頭啦,有陣時會有條蟹柳25喺度嘅喎。有人會擺條蟹喺裡面嘅喎,真係。
(Yup, there’s taro as well. Sometimes there was imitation crab meat in there as well. People would put crab sticks in there, really.)
Bernice: 吓?係咩?
(Huh? What?)
Raymond: 係呀,真係古靈精怪26。好多配搭27嘅噉樣。傳統係雞扎,有雞肉,有個,有舊好似棉花噉樣嘅菇[魚肚]啦,噉呀同埋你頭先話有芋頭啦噉樣。古老嘅點心,唔知邊,我都唔,要研究吓邊度鄉下嘅點心呀。
(Yes, it’s quite strange. A lot of stuff paired together. Traditional gai1 zaak3 have chicken, cottony stuff made of mushroom [fish maw], and the taro you just mentioned. Old-style dim sum, I don’t know–I’ll have to do some research–what part of the countryside it is from.)
Bernice: 噉你鍾唔鍾意食菲林28呀?
(Do you like eating “film?”)
Raymond: 吓?菲。。。哦,我知你講咩。我 OK 啦, OK 啦。 Cameron 知唔知咩嘢?
(Huh? Fei1…. Oh, I know what you’re talking about. I’m okay with it, just okay. Cameron, do you know what that is?)
Cameron: 菲林我知道,因爲我第一次睇嘅時候,我覺得:“嘩,呢個,佢嘅 shape 好特別”。跟住我個朋友話,問我:“你覺得佢像咩嘢、咩嘢、咩嘢嘢?”我覺得好(似)就之前嘅菲林。佢話:“係,係啱嘅。”所以。
(“Film” I know about because the first time I saw it, I thought, “Wow, the shape of this stuff is pretty unique.” And then my friend asked me, “What stuff does it look like?” And I thought it looked like the film from before. [Fei1 lam2 is strips of sesame rolled up in a way that resembles old camera film]. Then he said, “Yup, that’s right. So that’s it.)
Bernice: 黑芝麻29。
(Black sesame.)
Cameron: 係,係喇。因為我覺得黑芝麻係好,係,就係點心同中式嘅,就用法好特別,同其他嘅地方唔一樣,但係我非常之鍾意啦。
(Yeah, yeah. Because I think that the way black sesame is used in dim sum and Chinese cooking is pretty special, not the same as other places, but I like it a lot.)
Bernice: 噉有啲人投訴30中餐,因爲佢哋覺得中餐嗰啲甜品31就冇乜,冇乜選擇嘅。又冇西式嗰啲甜品咁好食。你覺得點呀?
(There are some people who complain about Chinese cuisine, saying that there aren’t many choices when it comes to desserts. Not as good as Western desserts. What do you think?)
Cameron: 嗯。。。我覺得呢個唔係好大嘅問題,最大嘅問題係,如果有嘅甜品,睇像另一種甜品喎。因爲我之前有個經驗,就係我喺大陸嘅時候搵到個雪糕。雪糕,我諗、我以爲就係朱古力嘅,唔係嘅,就係紅豆嘅。所以如果係紅豆,但係我諗嘅就係,係朱古力,呢個令到我好難過32,因爲我係個非常之鍾意朱古力嘅人。
(I don’t think of this as a big problem, what’s worse is when a dessert looks like another type of dessert. I once had this experience in the mainland when I found some ice cream. The ice cream, I thought, was chocolate, but it wasn’t, it was red bean. So in a case like that where I think it is chocolate but it is actually red bean, I end up pretty sad, as I am someone who loves chocolate.)
但係如果我知道呢個係紅豆嘅,呢個冇問題,所以我覺得紅豆同芝麻、黑芝麻嘅嗰啲甜品都係好食嘅,但係我覺得你應該有,就又正啲嘅 expectations,所以因爲我覺得就,呢個同係所有食物有嘅問題,就係你嘅 expectations 同你食嘢應該有,有啲。。。即係應該啱。如果唔啱嘅話,你一定會有嗰個就,嗰個 disappointment。
(However, if I know that the thing is red bean, then that isn’t a problem. So I think that red bean and black sesame desserts are pretty tasty, but you should have the right expectations. I think this is a problem that comes up with all food, where your expectations and what you eat should… match. If they don’t match, you’ll have a big disappointment.)
Raymond: 係。不過。。。
(Yes, but…)
Bernice: 失望33。
(Sat1 mong6 “[disappointment].)
Cameron: 失望,係失望。
(Sat1 mong6, yes, “disappointment.”)
Raymond: 而家嘅潮流34就係噉樣喇,佢就係刻意35呢,即係你見到係一樣嘢啦,但係呢佢會食起上嚟係另外一回事,而家好流行36一樣嘢,我唔知,啱啱有一個香。。。由日本傳去香港嘅,我唔知阿 Bernice 你有冇機會試過。噉係一碗拉麵啦,日式嘅拉麵,但係你知唔知而家流行擺啲咩嘢入去個拉麵嗰度呀?有冇聽過呀 Bernice?
(Right now the trendy thing to do is, they’ll deliberately make something that looks like one thing, but when you eat it it tastes like another thing. It’s quite popular now, I don’t know, just now in Hong Kong… it came from Japan, I don’t know if you’ve had the opportunity to try it, Bernice. It’s a bowl of ramen, Japanese ramen, but I don’t know if you know what is trendy for them to put in the ramen. Have you heard about this, Bernice?)
Bernice: 吓?冇呀。
(Huh? No.)
Raymond: 佢擺啲好瘋狂37嘅嘢入去呀,噉呢係擺一杯軟雪糕38呀,成杯雪糕擺落個拉麵裏面呀。有冇見過?
(They put something crazy in it, they put in a cup of soft-serve ice cream, they put the whole cup into the ramen. Have you seen this?)
Bernice: 吓?冇喎。
(Huh? No.)
Raymond: 係啦,噉你會覺得“嘩,呢個點得呀”即係又凍、又熱、又鹹、又甜啦。噉但係呢,我有朋友去食,但係呢,啲人排隊去食喎,因爲呢, 呢個你想象唔到呢食起上嚟係咩感覺呢,跟住佢哋話有啲驚喜39喎。
(Yeah, and you think, “Huh, how can this work?” There’s cold and hot, salty and sweet. However, I’ve had friends who went to try it, and people line up to have it because you can’t even imagine what it’s like to eat it, and they say they were a bit pleasantly surprised.)
Bernice: 噉好唔好食呀?
(So does it taste good?)
Raymond: 有啲人鍾意囉,我覺得又未必個個人鍾意囉。啲人話食落去個感覺你,因爲你都唔知點樣想像40呀,即係又唔係真係咁差囉,可能反而噉樣就覺得 OK 喎。好奇怪。
(Some people like it, but I don’t think everyone necessarily likes it. Some people say that the feeling they get when they eat it is that, because they didn’t know what to expect, it wasn’t actually that bad, so maybe they just thought it was OK. It’s very strange.)
Bernice: 係呀。所以啲公司好鍾意喺香港 test 佢哋呢啲產品41呀,或者食物,因爲香港啲人好有興趣試新嘢嘅。
(Yeah. Some companies really love to test their products and foods in Hong Kong because Hongkongers are very interested in trying new things.)
Raymond: 嗯,嗯。係啦,即係一定會有人試嘅,你唔使擔心42冇人去試。
(Yes, yes. That’s right, there will definitely be people who will try, you don’t need to worry there won't be anyone who will try.)
Bernice: 係喇,係喇。因爲香港人好鍾意試好多唔同嗰啲味啦,或者比較特別啲啦。 Again,係因爲佢哋想第一個人試嘅。喺 Facebook 講晒俾人哋聽:“嘩,我試咗最新嘅咩咩 flavor!”就,yeah,就好想話晒俾全世界聽。
(Yes, yes. It’s because Hongkongers love trying lots of different flavors, or even particularly special ones. Again, it’s because they want to be the first person to try it. On Facebook they’ll tell everyone, “Wow, I tried the newest something-something-flavor!” Yeah, they want to tell the whole world.)
Raymond: 嗯,噉其實都應該話俾阿 Bernice 聽,噉你返嚟溫哥華唔係好耐啦,噉我嚟到呢,都留意到近呢兩三年呢,即係嗰啲香港嘅移民呢,佢哋,譬如如果一齊傾偈呢,講得最多都係,都係飲同食啦。噉你會見到係嗰啲網頁呀,社交媒體 Facebook 呀嗰啲呢,佢哋最多人參加嘅討論呢,就係邊度有咩好嘢,有咩新嘢食呀噉樣。嗰啲叫嗰啲飲食嗰啲群組43呀,係嗰啲 groups呀。
(Yes, I should also tell Bernice since you haven’t been back in Vancouver for too long, when I got here, I noticed that in the past two or three years, when Hong Kong immigrants get together and talk, what they talk about most is food and drink. You’ll also see on websites and social media like Facebook that the discussions they like to join in the most are where is good, where has some new stuff to eat, etc. They name those groups for talking about food and drink.)
Bernice: 係呀,人哋介紹俾我識一個 Facebook group 叫做 “Dine In Dine Out” 呀。
(Yes, people have introduced me to a Facebook group called “Dine In Dine Out.”)
Raymond: 係呀係呀,我都有睇,我都有睇。
(Yes, yes, I’ve also seen it, I’ve also seen it.)
Bernice: 好多人話投訴呢個地方,或者讚44呢個另外一個地方,yeah。
(A lot of people complain about one place or praise another, yeah.)
Raymond: 所以都,啲餐廳呀,或者有人呢,喺呢啲 groups 好出名嘅,而家。噉不如噉啦,你講到呢度,我哋又講吓呢,即係我哋有提過我哋每個人呢都會分享一個推薦俾我哋嗰啲聽衆呢,即係有趣嘅一啲資源45呀,或者甚至幫到佢哋學廣東話嘅內容啦。噉如果你唔介意呢,我又開始先喇,因爲有一個我真係覺得好適合今日我哋嘅內容嘅。
(So now some restaurants or people are quite famous in these groups. So how about now we have everyone bring up something to share with our listeners, like an interesting resource or some content that can help them study Cantonese. If you don’t mind, I’ll start, because I have one that I think really suits today’s topic.)
噉呀唔知 Bernice 有冇聽過,呢個係一個 YouTube channel 嚟嘅,就叫做 Made With Lau。你有冇聽過呀? Cameron 有冇聽過呀?噉呢個呢,噉我就高度46推薦喇。噉其實我都留意咗佢大,差唔多一年啦,噉 Made With Lau 係咩呢?就係呢,有一個叫做 Randy Lau,佢一個三藩市嘅,屋企都係講廣東話嘅,一個屋企係來自廣東省嘅移民啦,家庭啦。噉佢呢,就因爲大家疫情47呢,噉又係,成日喺屋企啦,又多咗時間啦,噉佢嘅爸爸呢,以前係大廚48嚟嘅,噉就退休49喇。
(So Bernice, I don’t know if you’ve heard of a YouTube channel called “Made With Lau.” Have you heard of it? Cameron, have you heard of it? This I highly recommend. I have followed him for about a year. Then what is Made With Lau? There’s a guy named Randy Lau, living in San Francisco, and at home he speaks Cantonese. His family emigrated from Guangdong Province. Because of the pandemic and everyone is always at home, with more time on their hands, his father–a former chef–retired.)
噉佢退咗休呢,噉又成日喺屋企見面喎,跟住佢就喺度諗喇,佢爸爸係大廚,噉同埋佢又鍾意食佢爸爸煮嘅嘢啦,噉佢就諗到,我不如整個 channel,最初都係玩玩吓50噉樣,就係等佢爸爸教大家煮餸喇,即係教一啲最常喺屋企食呀,或者呢最最出名嘅一啲菜啦。譬如佢第一集呢,我啱啱睇返佢第一集,係 2020 年頭呢,就教大家整麻婆豆腐,就好簡單。噉但係麻婆豆腐,噉唔係做,淨係做喎。
(After he retired, they saw each other all day at home, so he [Randy] thought that since his dad is a great chef and he really likes his dad’s food, he thought they should create a channel. At first it was just for fun, with his dad teaching everyone how to cook, teaching some classic home dishes, or some really well-known ones. For instance, in their first episode–I just went back and watched the first one, from early 2020–the dad taught everyone to make mapo tofu. It was really simple. But with mapo tofu, it wasn’t about making it, or just making it.)
佢一邊做,佢(一邊)用廣東話教啦,同埋呢都會講返啲歷史嘅。噉都等大家去即係知道廣東菜啦一啲佢背後51嘅文化歷史啦。噉同埋呢,佢哋煮完之後,佢哋一家人呢又喺度食啦,喺度傾偈啦,噉嗰個阿 Randy 呢佢廣東話呢都係,都係喺度要學嘅,佢有陣時都唔係好識講嘅。噉佢一路噉樣同佢爸爸媽媽溝通52嘅時候呢佢廣東話都進步咗啦。噉同埋佢將全部嘅內容呢,佢有字幕53嘅,佢打晒中文英文嘅。噉所以呢。。。
(While he makes it, he also uses Cantonese and talks about the history. He gives the background history of Cantonese food. Once they finish cooking, the whole family eats and talks together. Randy is also studying Cantonese. There was a time when he didn’t know how to say much, but as he kept communicating with his mom and dad his Cantonese improved. There’s also subtitles for it all, both Chinese and English. So…)
Bernice: 嘩,犀利呀。
(Wow, that’s amazing.)
Raymond: 嗰個,嘩,佢哋嗰個 YouTube 呀,而家就未到兩年啦,就七十幾萬 subscriber,噉啱啱 CNN 呢都有報道54呀,噉所以好犀利。噉同埋大家睇呢就當然大家鍾意睇佢教煮餸啦,但係呢大家大家,有好多觀衆呢,就係好似佢噉樣喇,就係喺海外啲移民嘅後代啦,噉睇到嘅時候覺得,我真係要好好珍惜55我屋企呢個飲食文化同埋同家人之間嘅關係呀。噉我睇嘅時候,覺得好好睇啦,又好肚餓啦,但係呢同埋好感動,我覺得呢樣嘢係好值得56推廣57。同埋呢大家學廣東話呢,呢個你哋一路睇都會學到好多嘢啦。係喇。所以呢個就係我想推薦嘅,哎我講得太多喇。
(Their YouTube has been going for less than two years and they already have about 700,000 subscribers, and CNN just did a report on it. It’s really amazing. When everyone watches they of course like how he teaches them to cook, but there are many viewers like him [Lau] who are the children of overseas immigrants and think as they watch, “Wow, I really need to treasure my culinary culture and family relationships.” I think it’s great when I watch it, and I also get very hungry, as well as very moved. I think this sort of thing is really worth promoting. As for everyone studying Cantonese, you’ll learn a lot as you watch. Yes, so that’s my recommendation, I’ve talked a lot.)
Bernice: 嘩,好正喎!
(Wow, that’s great!)
Raymond: 叫做 Made With Lau。噉佢而家每,差唔多每個星期呢,都會教大家做一道餸嘅。啱啱最新嗰集,我睇到係幾個鐘頭之前呢,佢教大家炸呢,全世界最最香脆58嘅春卷,點樣點樣炸得好。
(It’s called, “Made With Lau.” He teaches everyone a new dish roughly once every week. I saw the most recent episode a few hours ago, he taught everyone how to fry the crispiest spring rolls in the world.)
Bernice: Wow!
Raymond: 一啲好基本嘅嘢食,但係呢佢應該整得好好食嘅。
(Some basic food, but he makes them really tasty.)
Bernice: Wow,我都要睇喎。
(Wow, I want to see it, too.)
Raymond: 係呀,叫 Made With Lau呀。
(Yup, it’s called “Made With Lau.”)
Bernice: 我都要介紹俾我阿媽睇呀。
(I also want to introduce my mom.)
Raymond: 係,你哋一齊睇,係。
(Yeah, you can watch it together.)
Bernice: 因爲我阿媽成日成日要諗今日煮咩,今日煮咩。其實我返溫哥華我好想學,即係跟我阿媽學煮嘢嘅,因爲我就識煮西餐囉,即係比較,你可以跟 YouTube,或者你可以睇 cook book 囉,噉我唔係好識睇中文,所以我要靠我阿媽點學煮嘢囉。
(Because my mom always needs to think about what to cook today, what to cook today. In fact, when I return to Vancouver I want to learn to cook from my mom, as I only know how to cook Western food, and it’s relatively… You can follow YouTube, or you can look at a cookbook, but I can’t read Chinese, so I want to learn from my mother.)
Raymond: 係呀,即係你講呢個,我諗都係阿 Randy 佢點解佢拍呢個 video,呢個都記錄59啦,即係趁佢呀爸爸仲喺度啦,噉呀年紀大,但係呢佢仍然都煮得好好啦,同埋佢都好鍾意去拍喎,噉呢個亦都係家庭嘅歷史呀,即係去流傳60,你而家唔係淨係影響佢屋企人呀,影響全世界,大家都跟住佢噉樣又學識整好多傳統嘅小菜。所以我覺得好有意思呀呢樣嘢。 Cameron 你係咪有啲嘢想同我哋介紹呀?
(Yeah, what you’re talking about, I think this is why Randy made these videos and recordings. He wanted to take advantage of it while his dad was still there–being so old–and able to cook well. He also really enjoys filming, and it’s also family history that can be passed on. You’re not just influencing your family, you’re influencing the whole world, and everyone is also following and making a lot of traditional dishes. I think this is very interesting. Cameron, do you have something you’d like to introduce?)
Cameron: 我今日想分享嘅唔淨係一個學廣東話嘅方法,其實都係有個學香港文化嘅方法,就係去一個香港人開嘅書店。譬如話我而家住喺臺北,噉臺北有一個書店叫“飛地” (in Cantonese),“飛地”(in Mandarin)。噉佢哋賣好多香港嘅書,都有啲廣東話嘅書,都有啲英文嘅,所以你就冇所謂,如果你想買啲英文嘅書都可以。但係我嘅意思就係,如果你住嘅地方,有間香港書店,或者香港人啱啱開嘅鋪頭61,不如去嗰個地方,睇下佢哋買啲咩嘢呀,或者識啲新嘅朋友啦。
(Today what I want to share isn’t just a way of studying Cantonese, it’s also a way to learn some Hong Kong culture–it’s going to a Hongkonger-opened bookstore. For instance, right now I am living in Taipei, and there is a shop called “Nowhere.” They sell a lot of Hong Kong books, some are in Cantonese, some are in English, so whatever you want–if you want to buy some English books, you can. But what I mean is that, if wherever you live there is a bookstore opened by Hongkongers, or a store opened by Hongkongers, you might as well go there and buy something or make some new friends.)
Raymond: 好, Bernice 你仲有冇咩嘢,即係我哋最後你會想同我哋好多嘅聽衆呢,其實佢哋即係同你一樣嘅,佢哋都係學緊廣東話,或者呢想再同呢個廣東呀,講香港呀嘅文化去,去聯繫62呢,你有啲咩嘢說話,你仲想同大家講㗎?
(Alright, Bernice, is there anything else from you, so lastly, what would you like to talk about with our listeners? They’re just like you, they’re learning Cantonese, or they want to get in touch with Cantonese or Hong Kong culture. What do you want to say?)
Bernice: 如果你想學講廣東話,我覺得最好你就噉講嘅。你唔可以就噉聽吓就,就得嘅喇,你一定要講呀,因爲你聽得明,你都要,你都要講,你要練吓啲口音呀嗰啲嘢,所以如果你有機會可以同人哋練吓講嘢最好囉。或者你可以聽多啲,或者睇多啲 YouTube 呀。如果你睇新聞就好難跟63嘅,因爲嗰啲廣東話唔同嘅。所以如果有機會同人哋傾偈係最好呀。
(If you want to learn Cantonese, I think what’s most important is to speak. You can’t just listen, you also have to speak, because when you listen and understand, you need to practice the pronunciation. If you have the chance to practice with people, that’s best. Or you can watch more YouTube. Watching news is hard since that Cantonese is not the same, so if you have the opportunity to talk with people that’s best.)
Raymond: 同埋一邊食住點心呀,食住啲你鍾意食嘅嘢,一邊。。。
(While also eating dim sum, eating what you like, while…)
Bernice: 係呀,係呀!一路食一路講最好囉。
(Yes, yes! Eating while talking is best.)
Raymond: 好,噉我哋喺度好多謝阿 Bernice 啦,其實我都知你好忙啦,噉呀,你都忙緊你嘅工作噉呀,都抽時間同我哋傾偈。即係每次同你傾偈都,即係一嚟覺得好親切64啦,噉呀,同埋呢,我覺得又可以講返同啲飲食文化有關嘅,真係好開心嘅。
(Alright, so a big thanks to Bernice. I know you’re very busy, very busy with work, but you found the time to chat with us. Whenever I talk to you I feel very warm, and I think we can return to the topic of food, it makes me very happy.)
Bernice: 多謝你喎,多謝你邀請65我嚟。
(Thank you, thanks for inviting me.)
Raymond: 唔好噉講。
(No need.)