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#41 Guest Episode: Jennifer Feeley, Part 3 (English)

This episode features the conclusion of our conversation with Jennifer Feeley. Where in previous episodes we discussed specific Hong Kong literature that Jennifer has translated, here she shares some advice for anyone interested in getting into literary translation. We are also thrilled to announce that since taping this episode, the American Literary Translators’ Association has announced two emerging translator mentorships for Hong Kong literature, including one with Jennifer. We have included a link to the details in the show notes and encourage listeners to apply. 今集節目係我哋同 Jennifer Feeley 對話嘅尾聲。喺上兩集我哋討論過 Jennifer 翻譯過嘅香港文學作品,今集佢為有興趣進入文學翻譯嘅朋友分享一啲建議。我哋亦好高興宣布,自從錄咗呢集之後,美國文學翻譯家協會就宣布咗兩個香港文學新興翻譯導師計劃,Jennifer 就係其中一位導師。我哋喺節目簡介入面加入咗詳情連結,並鼓勵各位聽眾申請。 Books mentioned in this episode: Making Space , edited by Nicolette Wong Cantonese Love Stories , by Dung Kai-cheung Atlas: The Archaeology of an Imaginary City , by Dung Kai-cheung 《小男人周記》 《穿Kenzo的女人》 Pei Pei the Monkey King , by Wa Wa, translated

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#40 Guest Episode: Jennifer Feeley, Part 2 (English)